Restarting your internet connection can often resolve various issues, even when using an Ethernet connection. Here are some reasons why a restart might help:
Clearing Temporary Issues: Restarting your modem or router helps clear temporary glitches that might be causing connectivity issues.
Renewing IP Address: Your device may need to renew its IP address, which can sometimes be accomplished by restarting your network hardware.
Overheating Hardware: Modems and routers can sometimes overheat, causing performance issues. Restarting can help cool them down and restore normal operation.
Resolving Configuration Issues: Restarting can help resolve any incorrect configuration settings if they have occurred.
To restart your internet, follow these steps:
- Unplug your modem and router (if separate).
- Wait for about 30 seconds.
- Plug the modem back in first and wait until all the lights indicate that it's connected.
- Then plug the router back in and wait until it's fully operational.
- Finally, restart your computer or other devices connected via Ethernet.
If problems persist after restarting, you may need to troubleshoot further or contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance.