Use the Pearson r.
To find if there is a statistically significant linear relationship between a woman's age and how old she acts, use N-2 for degrees of freedom at the appropriate significance level for the test you are doing.
Use a table for critical or cutoff values for a Pearson r. Compare the value from the table to the value you calculated using a formula for the Pearson r. If the value you calculate exceeds the critical value from the table, the null will be rejected. There will be a linear relationship in the population and the test will be statistically significant. If the value you calculate does not exceed the critical value from the table, then the null will not be rejected and you cannot conclude a linear relationship in the population.
I hope this brief explanation will get you started.
Will is convinced that there is a relationship between a woman's age and how old she acts. In order to test this , I asked the women in my family their ages and then gave them an age acting test. Check to see if wills hypothesis is true using p value 0.5. You mist indicate what test you would use, the critical value the calculated value and the null decesion.
Name Age. Age acting score
Amber 16 35
Kelly. 55. 15
Barbara 12. 30
Lisa 23. 27
Gilly 10. 45
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