If Qsp > Ksp, a ppt will form. So what is Qsp?
You are mixing two solutions. That changes the concentrations of both. To what? You are diluting 0.008 M K2SO4 from 650 mL to (650+ 175) = 825 mL.
So final (K2SO4) = (SO4) = 0.008 x (650/825) = ?
(Ag2SO4) = ? You don't know since you don't know how much AgNO3 is in the initial solution.
will a precipitate form when 650 ml of 0.008 K2So4 is added to 175 ml of AgNo3 Ksp of Ag2So4=1.5*10^-5
Can any one tell me how to do it >? please
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