why would you not use filter paper for weighing paper?
5 answers
Most filter paper has a texture to it and any solid placed on it during the weighing may stick to the surface and not be transferred quantitatively to a vessel of choice. I assume this is the intent of the question. If I have misinterpreted, please clarify.
why is using filter paper as the weighing paper not a good idea? I need to two reasons.
Using weighing paper increases the risk of dropping your sample when transfering it to your container after weighing it on the scale. If you tarry a beaker and then add the sample to the beaker then that risk is mostly eliminated.
PLEASE, please, don't call a balance a scale. I weigh a sack of potatoes on a scale but in a chemistry lab I use a balance. :-)
My students used to think my antics about this were very funny; in fact, so funny that they bought large poster boards and taped them up on the doors to the quant lab. The poster boards were printed in bold black letters, "SCALE ROOM"
My students used to think my antics about this were very funny; in fact, so funny that they bought large poster boards and taped them up on the doors to the quant lab. The poster boards were printed in bold black letters, "SCALE ROOM"
balance then. =) (that did seem wrong when I typed it but...)lol.
very funny
very funny