Why would the villagers be pleased at the defeat of the dragon

1 answer

1. Relief from fear and danger: The presence of a dragon in the village would have likely caused a lot of fear and anxiety among the villagers. The defeat of the dragon would bring relief from this fear and danger, making the villagers pleased.

2. Protection of their homes and loved ones: Dragons are known for causing destruction and havoc wherever they go. The defeat of the dragon would mean that their homes and loved ones are now safe from harm, which would make the villagers happy.

3. Restoring peace and tranquility: The presence of a dragon would have likely disrupted the peace and tranquility of the village. The defeat of the dragon would bring about a sense of normalcy and calmness back to the village, which would be a cause for celebration among the villagers.

4. Bragging rights: The defeat of a dragon is no small feat, and the villagers would likely feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in overcoming such a formidable enemy. They may also gain prestige and recognition from neighboring villages for their bravery in defeating the dragon.

5. Economic benefits: Dragons are often depicted as hoarding treasures, so the defeat of a dragon may result in the villagers gaining access to these treasures, leading to economic prosperity for the village. This would undoubtedly please the villagers.

Overall, the defeat of the dragon would bring about a sense of safety, pride, and prosperity to the villagers, giving them good reason to be pleased.