Why would some families be against the Factory Acts?(1 point) Responses Some parents felt factory owners were being unfairly targeted. Some parents felt factory owners were being unfairly targeted. Some parents sided with factory owners and thought that children needed to learn how to work at an early age. Some parents sided with factory owners and thought that children needed to learn how to work at an early age. Some parents were upset that the government wasn't doing enough to help children who had to work in factories. Some parents were upset that the government wasn't doing enough to help children who had to work in factories. Some parents resented government interference in how they raised their families.

1 answer

Some parents may have believed that their children should be taught the value of hard work and responsibility at a young age, and saw the Factory Acts as restricting their ability to instill those values in their children. They may also have felt that government interference in their family life was unjustified and unnecessary. Additionally, some families may have relied on their children's wages from working in factories to help support the family, and felt that the Factory Acts would negatively impact their financial situation.