Why would John Reagan be considered a crucial figure to the fortunes of the people of Texas in the Civil War?

A. Reagan organized the Secession Convention.
B. Reagan urged the governor to secede from the Union.
C. Reagan was elected to the Confederate Congress.
D. Reagan resigned from his position as congressman.

8 answers


Read carefully. Then cross out the obviously wrong choices. What's left?
plz help lol
anything yet
Pls help
After reading www.britannica.com/biography/John-Henninger-Reagan

C is the only answer that would make sense
Never mind I have the answers.
1.B :Reagan urged the governor to secede from the union
2. B :Texas identified with the rural agriculture economy of the south, which split the United States apart because of its use of slavery.
3. A :It shared a border with another country, not just another state
4. B :cotton cloth
5. B :They experienced radical economic change as they took on home industry jobs and managed farms.
6. C&B : A generation of young men were greatly reduced. Social tension grew as people had to remake ways of interacting with different groups
7. C :Presidential appointment
8. D :They supported the federal police of reconstruction.
9. C :The outcome helped African Americans win political office
10. D : Radical republicans
11. A :banning African Americans from voting
12. D :reduced the power of the governor
13. C :African Americans no longer had a voice in the government
Thx Wanda you really saved me there dont worry guys you get a 100% from her
Wanda, Thank you!!! I couldn’t find how to check my answers as no one had posted you are a lifesaver!!! Thank you Wanda!!!