Why were the bill of rights known as dangerous?

13 answers

Goodness! Should ordinary people have rights? They aren't aristocracy and don't know anything. They should do what they are told!

Alexander Hamilton explained it better.

well the bill of right showed what was right and what wasn't, what people could do and what they couldn't, so in my opinion it was dangerous because it was bacicly telling people how to live their lives
Mrs. Ashtin -- please give an example of how the Bill of Rights told people how to live their lives.
for example havin only a certain limitation to the way of puisuit of education, wealth, investment and movement
Which Amendment is that in?
Tracy and Mrs. Ashtin -- I don't think you're very familiar with the Bill of Rights. Please read this summary carefully.

The first ten Amendments to the Constitution were passed in 1791 and are collectively known as the Bill of Rights. The ten Amendments included in the Bill of Rights allow the following rights and freedoms to all Americans.

1. The First Amendment grants freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest.

2. The Second Amendment grants the right to bear arms

3. The Third Amendment states that soldiers cannot take over a home during war or peace without the homeowner’s permission.

4. The Fourth Amendment protects Americans from unreasonable and unlawful search and seizure of property.

5. The Fifth Amendment allows all citizens due process and states that a person cannot be forced to serve as a witness against himself when accused of a crime.

6. The Sixth Amendment provides a speedy and public trial by jury for all who are accused of a crime.

7. The Seventh Amendment also allows a trial by jury to be held for certain civil disputes.

8. The Eighth Amendment prevents those accused of suffering cruel and unusual punishment.

9. The Ninth Amendment states that no one’s Constitutional rights should be used to infringe upon the rights of another citizen.

10. The Tenth Amendment provides each state with powers that are not specifically assigned to the nation’s government in the Constitution.
The above is taken directly from this site:

If only those rules were followed.They are treated like trash sometimes, sadly.
When have any of them been ignored?

Please be specific.
I am ever sorry I took so long to answer. They have been forgotten/ignored by police. Example A:

1. The First Amendment grants freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest.

I can name many peaceful protests (that IS a thing)that have resulted in people being arrested. Like people arrested after BLM protests.
Thank you for providing that example. I agree with you. The police probably arrest them on some other charge. But often the arrest violates the person's civil rights.
Thank you.

Also are you a teacher?
You're welcome.

Yes, I'm a teacher.