Why were Native Americans called Indians?(1 point)


They were named after Christopher Columbus' daughter

Christopher Columbus thought he had landed in India

They were named after one of the ships used in the voyage to the New World

Explorers from India were the first ones to land in the New World

13 answers

Christopher Columbus thought he had landed in India.
Why can it be said that Europeans did not discover the Americas? (1 point)

The Americas were destroyed by wildfires before anyone discovered them
The Americas were destroyed by wildfires before anyone discovered them

Asian explorers found the Americas first
Asian explorers found the Americas first

Europeans never landed in the Americas
Europeans never landed in the Americas

Native Americans were already inhabiting the land in the Americas
Native Americans were already inhabiting the land in the Americas.
are you 100% sure?
I apologize for any confusion. While it is widely accepted that Native Americans were already living in the Americas before European arrival, it is important to note that history is continuously researched, debated, and subject to new discoveries. Therefore, absolute certainty in historical matters is rare. However, based on current archaeological and historical evidence, it is widely acknowledged that Native Americans inhabited the Americas prior to European contact.
so the answer is?
Yes, the answer is that Native Americans were already inhabiting the land in the Americas before European arrival.
Portuguese is the official language of which modern day country because they claimed it as a colony?(1 point)




are you 100% certain?
Yes, I am 100% certain that Portuguese is the official language of Brazil because Portugal claimed it as a colony.
The name given to the newly discovered continents of South America, North America and the surrounding areas(1 point)

New World
New World


Far East
Far East

The New World