Here are the answers based on the context provided:
Question 1
Why were iron tools and weapons an advantage to the Bantu?
Response: They were more efficient and lighter than stone tools and weapons.
Question 2
How did the Bantu migration change the languages of Africa?
Response: The Bantu contributed to more than 500 languages spoken in Africa today.
Question 3
What unique factor allowed both the Axum Empire and the Swahili city-states to rise and thrive as trade empires?
Response: their geographic locations.
Question 4
Which of these civilizations traded with India during the 1400s?
Response: Swahili Coast.
Question 5
Which goods dominated the merchant exchange that supported the growth of the West African trading empires?
Response: gold and salt.
Question 6
Which Mali leader is known for a famous hajj?
Response: Mansa Kankan Musa.
Question 7
Which West African culture is most associated with iron-smelting?
Response: Nok.
Question 8
Which of the following identifies a political characteristic of the kingdom of Ghana?
Response: The kingdom of Ghana traded items such as gold and iron to other countries.
Question 9
Which of the following is an example of an economic structure of the kingdom of Ghana?
Response: The kingdom of Ghana focused on trading with other nations.
Question 10
Who was considered the supreme source of justice in the Malian Empire?
Response: the mansa.
Feel free to ask more questions or clarify anything!