Why were colonial minutemen so prepared for the arrival of the British in Concord? (Worth 2 points)
When Washington saw the British, he fired three cannon shots sending a warning sign
Paul Revere had warned villages that the redcoats were coming
The Green Mountain Boys hid in the bushes and warned the Continental Army
When the British headed out, American hung two lamps as a warning sign
I think it’s b and d. Correct me if I’m wrong.
12 answers
And the correct answer is yeah your right.
Thanks for the cheat, sorry miss sue but shut this website down if you don't want cheaters here
even if people do come here to check their work, others will just steal the answers, like I am doing here
Yeah I'm just here to copy 😀
i havent learned anything in school bc of online and id get in trouble if i failed classes so im here for that too
i'm here to check my answers. i already take the quiz/test then i check my answers before i submit. i recommend doing this bc it's not cheating and the teachers approve of it.
What the teachers don’t know won’t hurt em
Paul Revere had warned villages that the redcoats were coming.
When the British headed out, Americans hung two lamps as a warning signal.
When the British headed out, Americans hung two lamps as a warning signal.
1D 2D 3CD 4C 5C 6CA 7C 8BD 9C idk
@yeet jw how do you know thats correct
She dead
lol if you havent learned anything, you should have taken notes lol, before yall say anything, i am here bec blablabla. yall r totally failing in person school