Why was the Zimmermann Telegram so concerning to the United States that it swayed public opinion from neutrality toward intervention in World War I?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AIn the telegram, Germany requested Japanese assistance in capturing the US Territory of Hawaii in order to diminish the US presence in the Pacific.%0D%0AIn the telegram, Germany requested Japanese assistance in capturing the US Territory of Hawaii in order to diminish the US presence in the Pacific.%0D%0A%0D%0AIn the telegram, Germany promised Mexico territory it lost during the Mexican-American War in exchange for its pledge to join the German cause if the United States entered the war.%0D%0AIn the telegram, Germany promised Mexico territory it lost during the Mexican-American War in exchange for its pledge to join the German cause if the United States entered the war.%0D%0A%0D%0AIn the telegram between German officials, Germany detailed its plan to sink American passenger ships its navy encountered in the Atlantic if the United States did not remain neutral.%0D%0AIn the telegram between German officials, Germany detailed its plan to sink American passenger ships its navy encountered in the Atlantic if the United States did not remain neutral.%0D%0A%0D%0AIn the telegram between German officials, Germany detailed its plan to open a new front in the war by invading US territories in the Caribbean.
1 answer
This aspect of the Zimmermann Telegram was particularly concerning to the United States because it suggested that Germany was encouraging Mexico to invade US territory and potentially provoke a war between Mexico and the United States. This threat to American sovereignty and security, combined with the sinking of American ships by the German navy in the Atlantic, led to a shift in public opinion and ultimately influenced the decision of the United States to enter World War I.