Why was it much more common to help and visit on'es neighbours during the 1820's in Upper Canada than it is here today?

This is the only part in the textbook that talks about it but I can't find answer.

It was much more common to help and visit on'es neighbours than it is today. People looked forward to going to church, or to being visited by a travelling member of the clergy. Sometimes communities set up a small school and hired a teacher, often paying for the service with produce, lodging, and meals.

Can someone please tell me the answer to this question or help please.

Thank you very much!

1 answer

When people only had their own two feet, a horse, or an oxcart for traveling, they didn't go very far. Most lived on farms or small villages, so only had a few friends and acquaintances.

Contrast that with the transportation, urban living, and proximity to thousands of people of today.