Why was it important for Lincoln to wait to issue the Emancipation Proclamation ?

1 answer

It was important for Lincoln to wait to issue the Emancipation Proclamation for several strategic and political reasons:

1. Timing and public opinion: Lincoln needed to gather public support for the action. There were many northerners who were not yet ready for abolishing slavery, so Lincoln needed to wait for the right moment to make such a dramatic move. By waiting, he could garner more people's backing and make the proclamation on a stronger foundation, minimizing potential backlash.

2. Maintaining the focus on the Union: Lincoln's primary objective during the Civil War was to preserve the Union. He wanted to ensure that the conflict did not become primarily about slavery, as some in the North were more concerned about the preservation of the Union than abolishing slavery. Therefore, Lincoln needed to wait until the Union was on firmer ground before making a move that could be perceived as changing the main objective of the war.

3. Securing a military victory: Lincoln believed that the best time to issue the Emancipation Proclamation would be after a significant Union military victory. This would enable the Proclamation to be framed as a strategic move to weaken the Confederacy rather than an act of desperation. Following the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, despite not being a decisive Union victory, it gave Lincoln the opportunity to issue the proclamation from a position of strength.

4. Preventing foreign intervention: Lincoln wanted to avoid foreign intervention in the Civil War, particularly from Britain and France who had economic interests in the Southern states. By waiting to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln aimed to redefine the war as a struggle not just for the preservation of the Union but also for freedom and anti-slavery, making it difficult for foreign governments to support the Confederacy without seeming pro-slavery themselves.

5. Legal and constitutional matters: Lincoln needed to ensure that the Emancipation Proclamation was legally justifiable. By waiting and framing it as a war measure taken to suppress the rebellion, he based the proclamation on his authority as Commander in Chief, as opposed to using dubious constitutional grounds.

Overall, waiting to issue the Emancipation Proclamation allowed Lincoln to maximize its strategic, political, and moral impact, helping the Union achieve a turning point in the Civil War and ultimately contributing to the abolition of slavery in the United States.