There are several reasons why you should never fight a velociraptor, largely based on their characteristics as depicted in popular culture and scientific understanding:
Intelligence: Velociraptors are often portrayed as highly intelligent creatures. They likely had advanced problem-solving abilities and social hunting strategies, making them formidable opponents.
Agility: Known for their incredible speed and agility, velociraptors could quickly maneuver around obstacles and evade attacks, giving them a significant advantage in a fight.
Sharp Claws and Teeth: Velociraptors had sharp, curved claws and strong teeth, making them effective predators. In a confrontation, their natural weaponry would pose a serious threat.
Pack Hunting: They may have hunted in packs, meaning that if you encountered one, there could be more nearby. Facing multiple velociraptors would be extremely dangerous.
Survival Instincts: Like all wild animals, velociraptors would be highly motivated to fight for survival, making them unpredictable and aggressive.
In summary, whether through their physical capabilities, intelligence, or social behavior, velociraptors would be a very poor choice to engage in combat with. It's best to appreciate them from a safe distance—preferably in a museum or a movie!