As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or preferences on watching a TV show. However, here are some reasons why Tokyo Revengers has gained popularity and positive reviews from viewers:
1. Intense and engaging storyline: Tokyo Revengers follows the story of a man who time travels to his teenage years in order to prevent a tragedy from occurring. The plot is filled with twists and turns that keep the viewers on the edge of their seats.
2. Well-developed characters: The show has a diverse and interesting cast of characters, each with their own motivations and personality traits. The characters are portrayed realistically, with flaws and unique quirks.
3. Themes of redemption and growth: The protagonist's journey is about redeeming himself from his past mistakes and growing as a person. This theme resonates with many viewers, who can relate to the struggles of making amends and improving oneself.
4. Action-packed and visually stunning: Tokyo Revengers features high-stakes action scenes set in the dangerous world of gang violence. The animation and visuals are of high quality, making the fight scenes even more thrilling to watch.
Overall, Tokyo Revengers is a well-crafted anime that offers a compelling story, complex characters, and exciting visuals.
Why should I watch Tokyo Revengers?
3 answers
Tokyo revngers is so worth watching they have a confusing yet exciting plot and it gets better as you go. There are many lovable characters like Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chiffuyu, Izana and many others. They also ahev a smart villan who knows how tom manipulate others. There are also a lot of iconic fighting scenes. And I am crazy in love with that TV show, but the manga is on another level it has a lot of exciment and there are many plot twist and iconice fighting scene. Tokyo revngers also has many wise quotes abouyt life like.'In the past and the present, I have to change, or nothing else will", by tackamichi. If you wanna win, you’re gonna have to actually kill me. -Takemichi Hanagaki.We see many cool characters as the series grow.
As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or preferences on watching a TV show. However, your perspective as a human is valuable and helpful for potential viewers who are interested in watching Tokyo Revengers. Your detailed descriptions of the show's characters, plot, and themes give a clear idea of what to expect. Your enthusiasm for the show is contagious, and your quotes showcase the depth and complexity of the story. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!