A. they lost major military power, territories, and had to pay for the cost of the war
The German people might be angry over the Treaty of Versailles because it imposed heavy penalties and restrictions on Germany following World War I. They lost significant territories, including Alsace-Lorraine, and had their military power severely limited. Additionally, Germany was required to pay reparations for the cost of the war, which placed a heavy economic burden on the country and its citizens. These terms were seen as unjust and humiliating by many Germans, leading to widespread anger and resentment towards the treaty and the Allied powers who imposed it.
why might the german people be angry over the treaty of versailles? use your outside knowledge as well as the document
A. they lost major military power, territories, and had to pay for the cost of the war
B. they were not in favor of th e war so shoudl not have to pay
C. they did not lose the war so should not have to pay
D. they gained terriotires and military power
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