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why might christians have problems with transplant surgery? i need two diffrent christians views and a example involing mary and josie (simese twins one had to be killed for the other to survive) and why this caused problems.
2 answers
It is just not a matter of Christians. Consider this: When we get to the point of brain surgery, and someone is dying of a brain disease, are we going to allow brain transplants (as if a donor were on death row, a lifelong pathological killer..think of the ramifications for the brain recipient).
Well, we are not there yet, most of the stuff being transplanted are pieces...eye corneas, kidneys, liver parts, bone marrow, skin, hearts. So my question is this: Why are religion gurus so concerned about making laws which restrict others?
Now on the cojoined twins...let me expand it to other birth defects: microcrania, deformed hearts, or lungs. These are horrible burdens for parents to face, and to make choices. Since when is the village priest better able to decide God's will?
Isn't it odd that religious gurus don't like to answer those questions? Personally, I have had my fill of righteous right wingers telling me what is moral right, and what is God's will. My experience is that when God sends a message, it rings directly between God and the receiver.
Good luck.
Well, we are not there yet, most of the stuff being transplanted are pieces...eye corneas, kidneys, liver parts, bone marrow, skin, hearts. So my question is this: Why are religion gurus so concerned about making laws which restrict others?
Now on the cojoined twins...let me expand it to other birth defects: microcrania, deformed hearts, or lungs. These are horrible burdens for parents to face, and to make choices. Since when is the village priest better able to decide God's will?
Isn't it odd that religious gurus don't like to answer those questions? Personally, I have had my fill of righteous right wingers telling me what is moral right, and what is God's will. My experience is that when God sends a message, it rings directly between God and the receiver.
Good luck.