Why Maintaining a Garden is Challenging

A. Gautam

Have you heard of the phrase “green thumb”? It is used to refer to someone who is good at gardening. Some people seem to produce fruits, vegetables, and herbs for their family or neighborhood. However, not everyone is capable. Gardening takes knowledge, practice, and lots of patience. Not to mention, it takes a lot of time and expense. There are many obstacles to overcome in order to become a successful gardener.

Not everyone has a big, sunny backyard. Even pots and soil are expenses that not everyone can afford. If one is to garden in a raised bed, extra expenses occur. Regardless, rich organic topsoil is necessary for crops to grow well. Think about whether the expense you put into gardening is worth the produce you can get. Not everyone can afford to waste time and cash in gardening.

Plants do not grow like in the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Seeds need to be carefully planted. Weekly planting, thinning, weeding, harvesting, and pruning is needed. Depending on the climate, plants need to be watered daily or twice a day. The time commitment should be taken into consideration before committing to a garden. Remember that water bill also adds up. Besides, taking long vacations without arranging for a neighbor to water your plants can result in the death of plants and waste of all the hard work.

Gardening should be seen as a hobby. You shouldn’t expect much from the first-time efforts. This way, various stages of failure wouldn’t result in too much disappointment. For example, even after you grow tomatoes, birds will eat your hard work. Snails and other insects will get to fruits of your labor before you know it.

Starting a small garden without proper knowledge or guidance is a terrible idea. You need to know about what grows well in your area and how to grow it well. You will need information about growing season, how to best plant, like in rows or with trellises, when to water, where to place the seedlings, etc. You cannot plant without preparation and expect results days, weeks, or even months later. Gardening is not for just anyone.

What is the main claim the author makes about the difficulty of gardening in this article?
A Patience is the most important virtue and is needed in gardening. Patience is the most important virtue and is needed in gardening.
B One should think carefully before committing to this expensive venture. One should think carefully before committing to this expensive venture.
C Different seeds need different kinds of space and watering routine. Different seeds need different kinds of space and watering routine.
D Not everyone has the “green thumb” that is necessary for gardening success.

1 answer

The main claim the author makes about the difficulty of gardening in this article is:

D Not everyone has the “green thumb” that is necessary for gardening success.

This choice encapsulates the overarching message of the article, which discusses the various challenges and obstacles that can prevent people from being successful gardeners.