Why is ther no such thing as NaCl molecule? pllllsss neeed heeelp thank you

1 answer

surely you can do a web search. I found this in about 10 seconds, which is about as good an explanation as any:

NaCl does not form covalent bonds, and there is no such thing as an NaCl "molecule." Na and Cl ions combine and recombine pretty freely in solution, and crystallize into large frameworks spontaneously when brought out of solution. It's all ionic (opposite electric charges, and so on).

Most (but not all) molecules are formed by covalent bonds, which are stronger (electron-sharing), but when molecules are in a crystal, they are joined to other the molecules by ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, or even van der Waals forces. It's the orderly arrangement of atoms or molecules in a large repeating structure that makes a crystal.

If it's still unclear, search out some other explanations. Maybe your own textbook would be a good place to start.