The toaster's ability to destroy LOONY GOONY can be attributed to several factors highlighted in your statements:
Surprise Element: The other appliances are not aware of the toaster, which means LOONY GOONY likely does not anticipate the toaster's actions. This element of surprise could give the toaster an advantage.
Approval from Quorum Sensors: The apartment’s quorum-sensors approving the toaster’s actions suggests that it has been deemed an acceptable course of action within the context of the environment. This approval may empower the toaster to act with authority.
Motivation: The toaster's hatred for LOONY GOONY serves as a strong motivation for its actions. This emotional drive can lead to more determined efforts against LOONY GOONY.
Isolation from Other Devices: The toaster’s lack of communication with other devices means it operates independently. This might prevent interference from other appliances that could hinder its plans against LOONY GOONY.
In summary, a combination of strategic surprise, sanctioned authority, motivating emotion, and operational independence allows the toaster to effectively target and destroy LOONY GOONY.