Why is the term RAW image file generally used to describe a variety of file formats, which are sometimes known as digital raw captures

1 answer

The term "RAW image file" is generally used to describe a variety of file formats because it refers to files that contain minimally processed or unprocessed data directly from the image sensor of a digital camera. These files are considered to be the digital equivalent of a film negative.

There are different file formats used by different camera manufacturers, such as Canon's .CR2, Nikon's .NEF, and Sony's .ARW. While these formats vary slightly in their specific structure and characteristics, they all share the common attribute of capturing and storing uncompressed or minimally processed image data.

The term "digital raw captures" is sometimes used interchangeably with RAW image files because it emphasizes that these files are the direct result of capturing light through the camera's sensor without any in-camera processing or modifications. RAW captures contain a wealth of data and retain more information about the image compared to processed formats like JPEG, enabling greater flexibility for post-processing and editing.

Therefore, the term RAW image file is used to encompass this range of formats and emphasize the unprocessed nature of the data, highlighting its potential for digital manipulation and post-production.