Why is the Syrian refugees important to Canada or Canadians? What are the benefits of knowing?
9 answers
Can you give me a direct response? The link you gave me isn't what I'm looking for..
If you can't find what you're looking for in those websites, I don't know how I can help you.
How does the syrian crisis have an affect on the canadian citizens
A lot of Canadians have Syrian ancestry, family, or friends.
Besides, has humanitarians, Canadians are empathic towards any abused peoples in the world.
Besides, has humanitarians, Canadians are empathic towards any abused peoples in the world.
thank you very much!
You are very welcome.
Also, as I asked earlier,what are the benefits of the Canadian citizens knowing about the Syrian crisis? I know one thing for sure, Canada is involved with the resettlement. What else should I add?
Everyone is a world citizen these days.