In Psalm 15, the mention of money highlights the importance of integrity and justice in our dealings. Charging interest on loans and accepting bribes exploit the vulnerable and show a lack of love for our neighbors. Jehovah values fairness and compassion, and those who seek to be His friends must reflect these qualities in their financial practices. This teaches us that our relationship with God is closely tied to how we treat others, especially in matters of money.
Why is the subject of money brought up in Psalm 15?We read that a guest of Jehovah “does not lend his money on interest, and he does not accept a bribe against the innocent.” (Ps. 15:5) Why is money brought up in this short psalm? Because an unbalanced view of money can hurt others and ruin our friendship with God. (1 Tim. 6:10) In Bible times, some took advantage of their poor brothers by charging them interest on the money lent to them. Also, some judges accepted bribes and then judged innocent victims unfairly. Such practices are detestable to Jehovah.—Ezek. 22:12.
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