why is the Plat Tectonic Theory accepted today over the Continental Drift Theory?

The continents nor the plates truly move they just appear to.
All plates of Earths crust move not just the landmasses.
The continents did move at one time but have moved back together.
The marsupial fossils found were not great evidence that pangaea once existed

1 answer

The Plate Tectonic Theory is accepted today over the Continental Drift Theory for several reasons:

1. Supporting evidence: The Plate Tectonic Theory is backed by a wealth of scientific evidence from multiple disciplines, including geology, seismology, paleomagnetism, and geophysics. This evidence includes the mapping of seafloor spreading, the discovery of mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, and the identification of different plate boundaries. It also includes the correlation of earthquake and volcanic activity with plate movement.

2. Mechanism: The Plate Tectonic Theory provides a mechanism for how and why the Earth's crust moves. It explains how the lithosphere (the rigid outer layer of the Earth) is broken into several plates that glide and interact with each other due to the convective forces in the underlying asthenosphere (a partially molten layer of the Earth). The Continental Drift Theory, on the other hand, lacked a satisfactory explanation for why the continents moved.

3. Consistency with other theories: The Plate Tectonic Theory is consistent with other scientific theories, such as plate tectonics' role in shaping the features on the Earth's surface, the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic activity along plate boundaries, and the distribution of fossil and geological records.

4. Predictive power: The Plate Tectonic Theory has proven to be highly predictive. It can explain the distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges, and allows scientists to make accurate predictions about future geological events.

While it is true that the continents and plates appear to move rather than actually move as cohesive units, the Plate Tectonic Theory provides a comprehensive explanation for this apparent movement and its underlying mechanisms.