Although I didn't like the book either, it certainly is well-written. You may get some ideas about why it's a classic by reading about the themes that Hemingway explores.
Why is the Old Man and the Sea such a good book? I have to do a review on it and I usually like classic books, but I didn't really like this one. Can someone please explain to me what other people like about this book? Thanks!
6 answers
Yeah, I read all of that. I still don't quite get the point of the book.
I have to admit, I didn't think much of it either, I considered it a minor work compared to the For Whom the Bells Toll. However, many will disagree with me.
Read Weinmeir's critism here:
I do see the man religion elevated from the prior works to a peak here. But to me, a work should stand on its own. Again, others will disagree.
Perhaps you are female...this is most definately a man book, if you are a man into worshiping man.
Others like the realism (I didn't) Many see literary critism of Christ in Man (I didn't). Maybe someone who read and like the book will comment.
Read Weinmeir's critism here:
I do see the man religion elevated from the prior works to a peak here. But to me, a work should stand on its own. Again, others will disagree.
Perhaps you are female...this is most definately a man book, if you are a man into worshiping man.
Others like the realism (I didn't) Many see literary critism of Christ in Man (I didn't). Maybe someone who read and like the book will comment.
Yes, I am female. And I don't like fishing, but I do like nature.
I don't understand the symbolism of Christ's crucifixion. How can a fishing trip be worthy enough to stand for Christ's crucifixion?
I really don't understand much of what Waldmeir is saying. I haven't read any other books by Hemingway.
I don't understand the symbolism of Christ's crucifixion. How can a fishing trip be worthy enough to stand for Christ's crucifixion?
I really don't understand much of what Waldmeir is saying. I haven't read any other books by Hemingway.
see the commentary here, done most well.
Thanks, that helped a little. I'm beginning to see that this story seems to be a lot about how life is cyclic and how life leads to death and death leads to new life, something like that.