Why is it advisable to start with mark beyond one centimetre when using metre rule to measure length of object

1 answer

It is advisable to start with a mark beyond one centimeter when using a meter rule to measure the length of an object to minimize errors in measurement.

1. Parallax Error: By placing the starting point beyond one centimeter, you reduce the risk of parallax errors. Parallax error occurs when the eye is not exactly perpendicular to the scale. Starting beyond one centimeter ensures that parallax does not affect the initial reading, resulting in a more accurate measurement.

2. Zero Error: Meter rules may sometimes have zero errors, meaning the zero mark on the ruler does not align with the actual zero point. By starting beyond one centimeter, you avoid potential zero errors that could affect the measurement accuracy. This is particularly important for high-precision measurements.

3. Precision: Starting beyond one centimeter allows for better precision in measurement. Subdividing the gap between the marks lets you estimate measurements with greater accuracy. It is easier to visually determine the fractional part of a centimeter when the starting point is beyond one centimeter.

Overall, starting with a mark beyond one centimeter helps to improve measurement accuracy, reduce errors, and ensure consistent and reliable results.