Homeostasis is the system in the body to maintain the normal/healthy status of the body, such as temperature, concentration of nutrients (e.g. glucose), concentrations of Na+, K+, and Ca++, etc.
When any vital equilibrium is disturbed, the body will suffer from serious health consequences. For example, if insulin is depleted from the blood stream, the person will not be able to absorb glucose from the blood and the person will experience many symptoms, eventually coma will occur, even death if not corrected in time.
Each of the factors, such as temperature, is regulated by a system of regulators, or feedback mechanisms for the body to react in order to keep the factors in equilibrium. The feedbacks could be in many different forms, enzymes, hormones, concentrations, nerve impulses, etc.
There are many such feedback mechanisms, and also individual system to regulator each factor. It is a very interesting topic in human physiology.
Why is feedback and homeostasis so important? How do they connecf? What would be the consequence if the homeostasis was not stable.
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