The reversal of wind direction during day-night and night-day transition is due to a phenomenon called land and sea breeze. During the day, land surfaces get heated up quickly, resulting in warm air rising and creating low air pressure. At the same time, the cooler air from over the sea flows towards the warmer, low-pressure regions over the land creating a breeze from sea to land.
At night, the land surface cools down quickly and hence the air over the land surface is relatively cooler. This colder air becomes denser and heavier than the air over the sea surface, leading to higher pressure over land as compared to the sea. Thus, the air flows from the land to the sea, creating a landward breeze.
This phenomenon of wind reversal occurs daily and has a significant impact on weather patterns along the coasts.
Why does the wind reverse direction when it changes from day to night and again when it changes from night to day?
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