why does land use change?

11 answers

Sarah, Cherry, Taylor -- please stick with one name for your posts.

Why do you think land use changes?
u spelt my name wrong -- its taylorr. were differnet people.
were in the same class. don't just assume things please.
i think land use changes because they need land for different reasons. plz help me, im not sure!
Hmm -- you may be in the same class -- but you also seem to be using the same computer. <g>
ummmmmmm that's a bit creepy cuz were not
how can u prove this? how would u know?
sorry can u just help me with my question??
Yes, you're on the right track. As the population of cities grows, people move farther from the city center, building houses, offices, schools, and shopping centers on former farmland or wooded land. Recreation uses also play a part as some areas struggle to create public recreation areas.
thank you. im just having a rough time with geography, im only in gr 6. I just get stressed.
i also have another question.A population is different in a developed country compared to a developing country because ...
would it be because the developing country is still not developed so it doesnt have as many people?:S