The Burgess concentric zone model contains a zone for market gardening because it was developed in the early 20th century when agricultural practices and land use patterns were still prevalent in urban areas. Market gardening involved the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and flowers for sale in urban markets, and was a common practice in many cities at the time.
In the concentric zone model, the zone for market gardening is typically located on the outer edges of the city, beyond the industrial and residential zones. This placement reflects the idea that market gardening was seen as a transitional land use between the more densely populated urban areas and the rural surroundings of the city.
Including a zone for market gardening in the model helps to illustrate the different land uses and economic activities that can be found in urban areas, and how these activities are influenced by factors such as transportation networks, land values, and zoning regulations. Additionally, market gardening played a significant role in providing fresh produce to urban populations, making it an important aspect of urban planning and development.
Why does burgess concenteic zone model contain a zone for market gardening
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