There could be several reasons why a boyfriend might talk badly about other guys to his girlfriend:
Insecurity: He might feel insecure about his own place in the relationship and tries to undermine other guys to make himself appear better.
Protectiveness: He could feel protective of his girlfriend and talk negatively about other guys to express concerns about their intentions or behavior.
Jealousy: If he feels threatened by other men in her life, he may express negative opinions about them to alleviate his own feelings of jealousy.
Culture of Male Competition: Sometimes, men may feel a sense of competition with each other and might dismiss others to elevate their own status in the eyes of their partner.
Bonding: He might believe that talking negatively about other men can create a bond between him and his girlfriend, positioning himself as her ally.
Personal Experience: If he's had negative experiences with certain guys, he may project those feelings onto others, feeling compelled to share his perspective.
Assuming Common Ground: He may assume that his girlfriend shares similar negative views about other men and wants to reflect that sentiment.
Open communication is essential in a relationship, so if this behavior bothers the girlfriend, it’s important for her to express her feelings and discuss any underlying issues.