Why do you think the differences between federal, unitary, and confederal was important to the founders?
Answer in 60 words or less. Start your response with "I think," and keep your answer on topic.
(A good answer will be clear, concise, and based on information learned in our lessons)
(4 points)
3 answers
I think the founders believed that understanding the differences between federal, unitary, and confederal systems was important because it informed their design of the United States government. They wanted to establish a system that balanced power between the national and state governments, ensuring a strong central authority while also protecting the rights and sovereignty of the individual states.
make it sound like a 7th grader wrote it
I think the founders thought it was super important to know how federal, unitary, and confederal systems worked because they needed to set up our own government. They wanted to make sure the national government had enough power, but also didn't take away too much power from the states. It was all about finding the right balance between the big national government and the smaller state governments.