why do you think some critics of the New Deal feared that its programs might lead to socialism or communism?

can someone please help me on this quesiton?

4 answers

I can remember my grandmother sneering as she mispronounced Roooooosevelt.

The critics of the New Deal feared that government regulation of business would be too much interference. They also opposed Social Security and the increased taxes to support it because that too was a socialistic practice.
when the new programs failed to bring about significant economic improvement, criticism began to mount. many worried about the increasing power that New Deal agencies were giving to the federal government. Former President Hoover warned against "a state-controlled or state-directed social or economic system...That is not liberalism; it is tyranny," he said.
FDR alsso found his programs under attack by the Supreme Court. in 1935 the Court declaared the NIRA unconstitutional because it gave the President lawmaking powers and regulated local, rather than interstate, commerse. the follwoing year, the Court ruled that the tax that funded AAA subsidies to farmers was also unconstitutional. Two of the most important elements of the New Deal had crumbled
oh, thanks Ms.Sue :)
You're welcome. :-)