Why do you think so much conquest took place in Mesopotamia?
9 answers
Mesopotamia was a crossroads between northern Africa, interior Asia, Mediterranean lands and Anatolia. The two rivers also added to the accessibility of Mesopotamia.
What are impotant contributions of the Akkadian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Asyyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire?
It's your turn, now.
What does your book say about their contributions?
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What does your book say about their contributions?
I'll be glad to comment on your answers.
The book doesnt say much about the Akkadian Empire's contributions. The Babylonian Empire ccontributed the code of laws.
Check this site.
It looks as if you need to go back into your textbook or study materials to find these answers -- or learn to conduct simple searches. Enter each of the terms you listed until you find a definition that matches.
The Assyrain Empire, well i don't know.
The neo Babylonian- hanging gardens???
The neo Babylonian- hanging gardens???
im a little confused
uhh...... nevermind. thanks for your help