Read that first sentence carefully.
Very interesting!'t+agree+with+galileo&source=bl&ots=kAWSTdfDCP&sig=nJMwbDiUHFMdKXj2HUY_OatfWy4&hl=en&ei=4fMbSs-gDInYMaTA4dUN&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1
A book (or section of one) you may want to read.
Why do you think church authorities forced Galileo to deny his ideas on the universe? To point out, Galileo was the first guy who believed that the universe was heliocentric, and when he tried to convince others, he was tortured, so he took back his words and his theory and said that the universe is geocentric... So do you know why church authorities didn't want to agree with him? Pleasssee helppp!
5 answers
Wait no! I really messed this up... Copernicus was the one who first came up with heliocentrism... and then he was tortured... So now the question is, why do you think church authorities forced Capernicus to deny his ideas on the universe? I apologize for the mistake! Thanks :]
You can re-conduct the search by going to and entering the following:
why church authorities didn't agree with copernicus
why church authorities didn't agree with copernicus
Sometimes folks in authority cannot take dissent. In Copernicus' case, his head was removed. In the case of Valerie Plume, she lost her career.
Because Europeans started questioning their religion and the popes did not like that