Why do we want to praise Jehovah and draw ever closer to him? (See also the box “A Way to Draw Closer to Jehovah.”)After considering Jehovah’s marvelous qualities, we can say as did King David: “May Jehovah, my Rock, be praised.” (Ps. 144:1) Jehovah will never fail to be a God we can rely on. Throughout life, even into old age, we have reason to declare: “He is my Rock,” confident that he will always help us to thrive spiritually.​—Ps. 92:14, 15.

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We want to praise Jehovah and draw closer to Him because He is our unwavering support and foundation, just as King David expressed. By recognizing His marvelous qualities, we can trust that He will always help us thrive spiritually, providing guidance and strength throughout our lives. As Psalm 144:1 reminds us, we can confidently declare, “May Jehovah, my Rock, be praised!”