Why do some feel that they have little worth?We live in a world devoid of love, and sadly, many people have been made to feel that they have little worth. A sister named Helen says: “I grew up in a loveless family. My dad was violent and drummed into us daily how useless we were.” Perhaps, like Helen, you have been mistreated, frequently criticized, or made to feel unlovable. If so, you may find it difficult to believe that anyone genuinely cares about you.

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Many people may feel unworthy due to negative experiences, but the Bible assures us that everyone is valuable in God's eyes. (Isaiah 43:4)

According to Psalm 34:18, what assurance does Jehovah give us?Even if others have mistreated you, you can be certain that Jehovah loves you and values you. He “is close to the brokenhearted.” (Read Psalm 34:18.) If you feel “crushed in spirit,” remember that Jehovah saw good things in your heart and personally drew you to him. (John 6:44) He is always ready to help you because you are precious to him.

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Jehovah comforts the brokenhearted and is near to those who are crushed in spirit, showing His deep love and care for each of us. (Psalm 34:18)

What can we learn from the way Jesus treated those who were looked down on by others?We can learn about Jehovah’s feelings by considering Jesus’ example. During his earthly ministry, Jesus took notice of those who were looked down on by others, and he treated them with compassion. (Matt. 9:9-12) When a woman hoping to be healed of a grievous sickness touched his garment, Jesus comforted her and commended her for her faith. (Mark 5:25-34) Jesus perfectly reflects his Father’s personality. (John 14:9) So you can be certain that Jehovah values you and takes note of your good qualities, including your faith and your love for him.

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Jesus showed compassion to the outcasts, reflecting Jehovah's love and valuing their faith and qualities. (Matthew 9:9-12; John 14:9)