Why do schools not teach childeren about sexual abuse. If i was taught that no one is alowed to touch my private parts when I was in kindergarten then i would have been able to tell that my father was raping me.

6 answers

Please call: 1-800-273-8255

I am sorry.
I already reported it
That number is for a suicide hotline.
I never said I was suicidal
diamondchic/anonymous --

This is not the place to ask this type of question. No one here knows how states, counties, districts, or schools decide to teach what they teach at what age. There are plenty of guidelines, such as the Common Core State Standards, but they don't cover all subject areas. Most curriculum and delivery decisions are made at the district level, and there are over 13,000 districts in the US.
Anon, this is not a very appropriate question to ask on this website. I would recommend going to your school consoler. :)