There are several reasons why people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands:
1. Fertile soil: River deltas typically have nutrient-rich soil that is ideal for agriculture. This makes it easier for people to grow crops and sustain themselves. Volcanic islands also have fertile soil due to the minerals and nutrients deposited during volcanic eruptions.
2. Access to water: Rivers and lakes in delta regions provide a constant source of water for irrigation, drinking, and other purposes. Living near water sources also facilitates transportation and trade.
3. Natural resources: Volcanic islands often have valuable mineral resources such as sulfur, copper, and gold. These resources can be exploited for economic gain, leading to settlements near these islands.
4. Protection from natural disasters: While living near rivers and volcanoes can pose risks such as flooding and volcanic eruptions, people have developed strategies to mitigate these dangers. Additionally, living near water sources provides access to fish and other resources that can help people survive in times of crisis.
Overall, the abundance of natural resources, fertile soil, and access to water make river deltas and volcanic islands attractive places for people to settle in Southeast Asia.
why do most people in southeast asia live near river delatas and on volcanic islands
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