Hindus worship multiple gods while recognizing one supreme being for several reasons:
Diversity of Beliefs: Hinduism encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices. Different gods represent various aspects of life, nature, and the universe, allowing followers to connect with the divine in ways that resonate with their personal experiences and cultural backgrounds.
Manifestations of the Supreme: Many Hindus view the different gods as manifestations or forms of a single ultimate reality, often referred to as Brahman. This perspective allows for the worship of multiple deities while still maintaining faith in one overarching divine essence.
Symbolism and Functions: Each god embodies specific qualities, powers, or responsibilities, such as creation, preservation, and destruction. Worshipping various deities allows adherents to seek guidance, blessings, or protection in particular areas of their lives.
Cultural and Regional Variations: Hinduism is practiced in many regions and communities, each with its own traditions and local deities. This regional diversity contributes to a rich tapestry of worship practices, where different gods are celebrated while still adhering to the belief in a singular supreme being.