The correct response is: to have a system of checks on power and a stabilizing structure with one house having fluidity and one with a longer tenure.
The Framers designed a bicameral legislative body with the House of Representatives being more responsive to popular events due to their shorter term limits and frequent elections. On the other hand, the Senate, with longer term limits and staggered elections, was designed to provide a more stable and deliberative body that could act as a check on the House and other branches of government. This system ensures that laws are thoroughly debated and not subject to the whims of fleeting popular opinion.
Why did the Framers create a legislative body influenced by popular events as well as a more stable, slower body?
to keep Congress interesting.
to keep Congress interesting.
to have more people involved in the legislative process
to have more people involved in the legislative process
to keep power in the hands of the larger states
to keep power in the hands of the larger states
to have a system of checks on power and a stabilizing structure with one house having fluidity and one with a longer tenure
to have a system of checks on power and a stabilizing structure with one house having fluidity and one with a longer tenure
1 answer