The Founding Fathers chose to adopt a Constitution for several reasons. Firstly, they wanted to establish a strong central government that could effectively govern the newly formed United States. The Articles of Confederation, the preceding document that governed the country, had proven to be ineffective in providing sufficient power and structure to the government.
Additionally, the Founding Fathers wanted to create a framework for protecting individual rights and freedoms. The Constitution includes a Bill of Rights, which outlines specific rights that are guaranteed to all citizens of the United States.
Furthermore, the Founding Fathers sought to create a system of checks and balances within the government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. The Constitution establishes separate branches of government - the executive, legislative, and judicial branches - each with its own powers and responsibilities.
Overall, the Founding Fathers chose to adopt a Constitution to create a stable and functional government that could protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens while preventing tyranny and abuse of power.
Why did the Founding Fathers choose to adopt a Constituition?
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