Why did multiplication and division become easier doing the Gupta empire?

1 answer

There are several reasons why multiplication and division became easier during the Gupta Empire:

1. Decimal System: The Gupta Empire introduced the decimal system, which made calculations much simpler. It included the use of the number zero, decimal fractions, and place value concept. It facilitated the representation of numbers efficiently and enabled easier multiplication and division.

2. Invention of Zero: Indian mathematicians made significant contributions to the development and understanding of the concept of zero. The inclusion of zero as a placeholder in calculations made multiplication and division more straightforward.

3. Advancements in Mathematics: The Gupta Empire was an era of significant advancements in mathematics. Mathematicians like Aryabhata and Brahmagupta made pioneering contributions to algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. They developed new techniques and formulas that simplified multiplication and division operations.

4. Standardization of Methods: During the Gupta Empire, mathematical procedures and techniques were standardized and documented. This allowed for consistent approaches and rules to be followed, enhancing the efficiency of multiplication and division calculations.

5. Mathematical Treatises: Prominent mathematicians of the Gupta period wrote comprehensive treatises on mathematics, such as Aryabhata's "Aryabhatiya" and Brahmagupta's "Brahmasphutasiddhanta." These treatises provided systematic and detailed explanations of multiplication and division methods, making them more accessible and easier to comprehend.

Overall, during the Gupta Empire, advancements in the decimal system, the concept of zero, mathematical formulas, and standardization of methods contributed to making multiplication and division easier for mathematicians and scholars of that time.