Why did Mayan, Aztec, and Incan society considered men and women different?

a. They performed different jobs in society.

b. They worshipped different gods.

c. Men controlled property while women did not.

D. They considered women inferior to men.

1 answer

All of the above statements contribute to the differences in the roles and status of men and women in Mayan, Aztec, and Incan society. These ancient civilizations had distinct gender divisions based on cultural and societal norms.

a. They performed different jobs in society: In these civilizations, men and women had distinct roles and responsibilities. Men typically engaged in activities such as warfare, hunting, and leading religious ceremonies, while women were primarily responsible for domestic tasks, agriculture, and weaving.

b. They worshipped different gods: Religious beliefs also played a role in the gender divisions within these societies. Their respective pantheons often consisted of both male and female deities, with different attributes and responsibilities, which reinforced societal gender roles and expectations.

c. Men controlled property while women did not: The concept of property ownership was often tied to gender. In these societies, land and property were predominantly controlled and inherited by males, granting them greater economic and social power.

D. They considered women inferior to men: While it is important to acknowledge that each society held unique beliefs and practices, it is generally understood that these ancient civilizations held patriarchal systems where women were considered subordinate to men. This belief was reinforced through societal norms, religious beliefs, and gendered divisions of labor. However, it is essential to approach historical perspectives with cultural relativity and to recognize that not all individuals within these societies necessarily adhered to these norms or held such beliefs.