Why did Islam spread throughout much of Southwest Asia during the day 650s and 660s

1 answer

I am not exactly sure about this specific question. However, Islam spread rapidly during the 7th century due to various factors such as military conquests, trade networks, and the appeal of its message to diverse populations. The expansion of the Islamic Empire under the leadership of the Rashidun Caliphs, particularly Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab, played a significant role in spreading Islam to regions of Southwest Asia. The early Muslim armies were able to conquer territories quickly, and the incorporation of these regions into the Islamic Empire facilitated the spread of Islam through cultural exchange and the establishment of Islamic institutions. Additionally, the trade networks of the Arabian Peninsula also facilitated the spread of Islam to regions like Iran, Iraq, and the Levant. The message of monotheism, social justice, and unity also appealed to many diverse populations in Southwest Asia, leading to the rapid adoption of Islam in these regions.