why did dutch colonies in the americas fail to attract as many settlers as english colonies did?

a. fewer people were dissatisfied with life in the netherlands than in england*******
b. the economy of the Netherlands was much weaker than that of England
c. The Dutch colonies were more difficult to reach by sea than the England colonies
d. The Dutch colonies had fewer natural resources than the English colonies

3 answers

I agree.
could you answer one more question
large and complex empires - big cities filled with riches, populations of many millions of people, traditional religions, impressive architecture and arts
blending of cultures- destroyed cities; tye construction of mexico city, millions of death die to disease, the destruction of religious artifacts amd temples; forced conversion to catholicism, spanish language, paws, architecture, and food.
which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this chart? a. aztec and inca empires before and after spanish conquest
b. causes and effects of colonialism in mesoamerica and the andes
c. impact of the expansion of the portuguese empire***
d. costs and benefits of european colonization in north and south america
i hope you understand it