Direct democracy worked for the ancient Greek city of Athens for several reasons:
1. Senate: Athens had a senate called the Council of 500, which was responsible for proposing laws and policies to the Assembly, the main decision-making body. This allowed for a more efficient and organized decision-making process.
2. President: Though Athens did not have a president in the modern sense, it did have various positions of leadership, such as the archons and strategos. These leaders were responsible for executing the decisions made by the Assembly, which helped ensure the smooth functioning of the system.
3. Literate citizens: The citizens of Athens were relatively well-educated and literate, which enabled them to actively participate in the democratic process. They could read and understand proposed laws and policies, engage in debates, and make informed decisions.
4. Small population: Athens had a relatively small population compared to other ancient city-states, which made it more feasible for citizens to actively participate in the decision-making process. The smaller size allowed for more direct engagement and facilitated the ability of individuals to have their voices heard.
These factors collectively contributed to the success of direct democracy in ancient Athens, allowing citizens to actively participate in the governance of the city and have a say in its policies and laws.
Why did direct democracy work for the ancient Greek city of Athens?
Athens had a senate.
Athens had a president.
Athens had literate citizens.
Athens had a small population.
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