Why did Christianity develop as its own religion

Christians disagreed with the Hebrew bible
Jesus denounced Jewish leaders and their teaching
Some Jews believed in Jesus as the messiah while others did not
The Roman’s wanted to start a new belief system to exclude jews

1 answer

There were a variety of factors that led to the development of Christianity as its own distinct religion:

1. Christians disagreed with the Hebrew Bible: One of the key differences between Christianity and Judaism was the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Christians believed that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecies and that the Old Testament pointed towards his coming. However, they did have disagreements with some interpretations and practices found in the Hebrew Bible, leading to the development of their own distinct beliefs.

2. Jesus denounced Jewish leaders and their teaching: Jesus' teachings often clashed with the religious authorities of his time, and he criticized their hypocrisy and the legalistic interpretation of religious laws. This led to tensions between Jesus and Jewish leaders, and eventually his crucifixion by the Roman authorities.

3. Some Jews believed in Jesus as the Messiah while others did not: After Jesus' death and resurrection, there were differing opinions among Jews regarding his status as the Messiah. Some Jews became followers of Jesus and formed the early Christian community, while others rejected his claims. This division contributed to the emergence of Christianity as a separate religious movement.

4. The Romans wanted to start a new belief system to exclude Jews: The Romans generally allowed religious diversity within their empire but had conflicts with Jewish communities due to their religious and cultural practices. Christianity, which initially began as a Jewish sect, later attracted non-Jewish converts in large numbers. This led the Romans to see Christianity as a separate and distinct religion, which they favored over Judaism.

It is important to note that while the Romans may have supported Christianity to some extent, they did not directly start or create it. Christianity emerged primarily due to the teachings and followers of Jesus Christ within the Jewish context.