The primary reason the British repealed the Stamp Act was because the British economy suffered due to the decrease of colonists buying British goods. The widespread protests and boycotts against the Stamp Act galvanized public opinion in the colonies and led to significant economic consequences for British merchants who were reliant on American trade. The increased unrest and resistance in the colonies made it clear to the British government that maintaining the Stamp Act would be costly both in terms of financial loss and political stability. Consequently, the repeal in 1766 was seen as a way to restore economic relations and appease discontent among the colonists, without directly addressing their calls for greater representation and rights.
why did British repeal the Stamp Act after multiple protests and boycotts?
The British wanted to make the American colonists happy.
The British wanted to pass another higher tax on paper documents
The British wanted to increase taxes on other items imported from Britain
The British economy suffered due to the decrease of colonists buying Britain goods
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